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 This course is designed to teach and activate students in the revelation gifts of the Holy Spirit: the word of wisdom/knowledge, the gift of prophecy, the gift of discernment, prophetic praise and worship, among others.

When God’s Spirit illuminates and brings reality to a scriptural truth in a sovereign way, then it is the Church’s responsibility to lay a hold of it by faith and fulfil it. The operation of the gifts of the Holy Spirit in the Church is such a scriptural truth being restored today. Through the practical activations of this course, the students are not only hearing the Lord but are being the vessels of release that God has destined them to be. From the most outgoing to the most timid, all are activated in spiritual gifts in this course.

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Robyn is the founder of Times of Refreshing Christian Centers(TORCC) in Australia and the United States.

Beginning as a small house church in the outer western suburbs of Sydney back in 1982, Robyn alongside her first husband(now deceased) set the foundations of what now has grown into an international ministry. TORCC is comprised of two worship centers (one in Parramatta, Australia and the other in  Manhattan, New York), two performing arts schools (NLG, NYG ) and the School of Apostles and Prophets (SOAP), also in New York City. Robyn has been in ministry for over 30 years, and has ministered extensively in Singapore, Malaysia, Kenya, The Philippines, Indonesia, India, Israel, United Kingdom, New Zealand and the United States.

Robyn’s passion is equipping believers to be excellent in their vocation and calling in life.  She believes that the Church will become the greatest source for good and for God on the earth. Robyn is determined to bring the Church out of being an irrelevant form of organized religion, to a body of people connected to their local cultures and who can contribute excellence in every field of endeavor.

She believes that the Church will be a force to be reckoned with, and filled with the power of God in trying times! Robyn’s grasp of the prophetic ministry and its function in the local church and how it needs to impact the various societal platforms is groundbreaking.  From Pastors to politicians, sporting heroes to musicians and actors, all have experienced the positive effects of Robyn’s prophetic ministry and wisdom.  Robyn is determined to restore the ministry of the prophets to the church with the highest level of integrity!

She is widely recognized for her challenging messages and inspired words from the Spirit of God.  Her ministry gifts include the prophetic and teaching, leadership and vision-casting. However, her abilities stretch much further and include the performing arts and community services.

Robyn has been an ordained Minister of  Christian International Apostolic Network (CIAN) since 1995, and has achieved a Doctor of Divinity from the Christian International Seminary(CIS).  Robyn has also received a Doctor of Ministry through the Christian Leadership Seminary(CLS), headed by Rev. Mark Virkler and is also a member of Ministers Fellowship International (MFI) since 2001.

She has written numerous courses on the prophetic, and is the contributing editor and lead writer of Canaan Land Prophetic Journal. She is a qualified instructor of the Communion With God Ministries whose courses include: Communion with God, Counseled by God, and Spirit-Born Creativity.

Robyn lives in New York City where she the dean of the “School of Apostles and Prophets” (S.O.A.P.), and director of the performing arts school New York Generation. Robyn has been married to Tony Kassas  for 26 years and has five adult children.[/ultimate_modal][vc_column_text]

This course will be taught by Ps Robyn Kassas

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These topics will be taught and discussed in detail.

Other topics and subjects from our prophetic syllabus and training manuals, that have not been listed will also be taught and workshopped. 

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  1. Restoration of the Gifts

  2. God Wants To Communicate

  3. Christ’s Commands Concerning Spiritual Gifts

  4. The Keys to the Kingdom


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Price: $350

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Course Duration: 12 Weeks

March 19th – June 4th, 2018

Monday’s @ 7:30pm

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The School Of Apostles and Prophets

209 W 40th St. – Ground Floor

New York, NY – 10018

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 The course takes place in a variety of contexts including lecture style classes, group-work, presentation, self-directed learning activities, workshop, tutorials and work based training.

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Assessment methods include written assignments such as reports and journals, oral and written presentations, observation, tests, and work place training.

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Homework may be assigned depending on the Session. Type of homework may vary from week to week.

Assignment  and assessment of homework will be done by S.O.A.P lecturers.

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Teaching Sessions – each week will include 2.5 hr session – lecture style

Some sessions will assign homework and previous teaching sessions will be used to stimulate discussion.

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To receive a certificate of completion, students must have at least %90 attendance. Students will be permitted to be absent for no more than two lecture sessions.


*Special circumstances will be taken into consideration.
**If you that you will not be present for a specific date, you may notify the Director of the School no later than one week after orientation. 
***Materials can be provided for the requested session only once approved by the Director of the School.[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Practicum and Workshops” tab_id=”1484842969377-a2745c31-1822″][vc_column_text]This is an interactive course requiring students to participate in practical workshops. These workshops will be conducted under the guidance of the senior S.O.A.P. leadership team. All students that are enrolled in the course must participate in these workshops.

S.O.A.P. in conjunction with TORCC NY, will conduct it’s prophetic ministry nights called, “Dipping Night” — as a part of the curriculum of the Apostolic and Prophetic Stream of study. This will be a chance for students to put what they have learnt into practice and to receive some feedback to make them ready and capable of ministering in Apostolic and Prophetic ministry.  Attendance to this event is mandatory and required to successfully receive a certificate of completion.


* The required amount of attendance for each individual event will be dependent upon the course of study. In most cases, a student will need to have attended at least two Dipping Night’s to be eligible to successfully graduate with a certificate of completion. 

**During these activations and workshops, SOAP leadership or staff may conduct a spiritual gifting assessment, so that the student can gain the full benefit of learning. The results of these assessments will be provided to the student at the discretion of SOAP leadership. Students may request their results by speaking with the Director Of School. [/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Payment Plans” tab_id=”1476596549223-93c39dc4-23da14823937523971482805818846″][vc_column_text css_animation=”fadeInDown”]

Part-Payment is available for this course


1st Installment – $175 (Due at orientation session)

2nd Installment – $175 

Please see information and protocol regarding part-payment by clicking here.

*Students with special circumstances will be taken into consideration, and may apply for scholarship consideration.

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Auditing rate:

$20 per person

This includes introduction + main lecture session.

If you are unable to enroll as a full-time attendee of our SOAP courses or programs, or would prefer to only attend a few classes, you may choose to AUDIT up to 2 sessions. Auditor registration is available at the Registration Desk, and will remain open for 30mins after the start of each session. After this period of time, the sessions will be closed and only registered auditors may sit in.

For more information regarding auditing of classes please click here

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Check out these other life changing courses from our Apostolic and Prophetic Stream

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